February 9, 2025


The Techno Universe

Free Spyware Remover – Dirty Tricks That Spyware is Doing to Your Computer

If you enjoy surfing the Internet for information, downloading pictures, watching videos on YouTube, or just plain goofing off, there is a good chance that spyware is already planted in your PC causing you problems you didn’t even know existed. Free spyware remover can protect you from these issues but first you must know what to look for:

1. Unknown charges on your telephone bill: With spyware and other malicious computer viruses comes unthinkable problems that can be sustained, such as having a program secretly use your computer to dial out to pre-programmed numbers via the modem. Known as “Dialer” this problem can be prevented by free spyware remover.

1a. Toolbars that just happen to spring up and cannot seem to be deleted: Certain spyware programs will cause strange toolbars to be installed on your computer which are almost impossible to delete. One such program is known as “CommonName” and will automatically add a web search toolbar to be embedded in your browser. Armed with 2 restarting processes, it has the ability to kick in even when you think you have deleted the program.

1b. Sluggish computer performance: Do you notice that your computer is running slow lately? Are programs becoming so slow to start up that it takes minutes to activate? These are common problems that usually point the finger to spyware. Programs such as WurldMedia and Cydoor make attempts to access certain functions in which the side effect is a slow PC. Free spyware remover can keep this from happening.

2 Common Spyware Devils To Watch Out For

The above symptoms of spyware on your computer can be easily avoided with free spyware remover. In addition to being educated on the symptoms of potential problems with spyware, you should also research the various programs that are popular among infections. Here are two examples (there are dozens more):

Diablo Key

Diablo Key is a popular spyware program that does not create any serious functional issues with your computer. However, due to the nature of the program it is very dangerous because it exposes your personal information. The intended goal of Diablo functions as a keylogger that literally records the keyboard strokes of the user.

Screen shots are also taken of the monitor screen. Once private passwords and other information are recorded the data is then sent to private locations via email. Fortunately you can easily remove Diablo Key with free spyware remover.

Memory Meter

When those annoying pop-up ads become excessive it is probably due to spyware programs such as Memory Meter, which is typically installed by being bundled up with the file sharing program known as Grokster. When the user attempts to remove the spyware the file sharing program may not work properly. Experts recommend that you use free spyware remover to get rid of this problem instead of the “Add-Remove” Program function in Control Panel.