Buying a computer is one thing, keeping it problem free for a sustained period of time is quite another. Most of the percentage of people who buy computers buy it to complete their tasks and do not necessarily know about the technical aspects of the computer. Keeping this in mind, almost all major IT companies have a comprehensive technical support for their customers.
Dell Support and HP Support – Among the Best
Among these major corporations, Dell and HP proudly boast of the most reliable and ingenious products. Their products, including desktops, laptops, netbooks and peripheral devices like storage devices, keyboards, disk drives etc are highly popular owing to their reliability and to some extent, an established brand name. However, there are several causes which have contributed to the ever enhancing reputation of both these companies. Among these hosts of reasons, after sales customer support service stands out.
Dell tech support and HP tech support have always been highly regarded for their level of proficiency in providing the best services to the customers. Both of them have established tech services in each and every country of their operation and this support employ only the experienced and most Professional technicians who take up and solve the problems. Both of them are available all throughout the day, every day of the year. However, there are some points of disparity among these services which will help us mark out the clear winner among them.
HP Support – Racing Ahead of Dell Support
HP deals in generic computer items and therefore their technicians do not have much trouble handling the software issues and more importantly, the hardware issues. Dell deals in customized computer solutions and therefore, when it comes to hardware problems, comparatively lot more time can be taken. For example, Dell computers would have a disk drive of different company, hard drive of another and so on. Moreover, this would keep on changing from computer to computer. HP on the other hand has the same configuration for all. Keeping the time aspect in mind, HP tech support is a clear winner over Dell tech support.
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