You use a registry cleaner because the Windows Computer Registry is a central clearinghouse used by Windows to maintain and manage all of the data files needed to configure your system for multiple users, run applications, and operate hardware devices. The information contained in the Computer Registry is constantly referenced during operation. This could include the applications and drivers currently in use, user profiles, the types of documents each user creates, property sheet settings for folders, application icons, hardware drivers installed on the PC, and ports currently in use. By reading the list above, you should be able to see how any damage to the computer registry could have catastrophic results. Properly used, a good quality registry cleaner can protect your computer from catastrophic events.
The Computer Registry is a vital part of your Windows Operating System, no matter which version you run. If it is damaged, your entire system may be corrupt resulting in complete system crash. To prevent damage to the registry, it is very important for you to be mindful of what you install on your system. Your registry is active every time you use your PC and may be running applications that you are not even aware you still have, or worse malware that you didn’t know was installed. In addition to being selective about installing software, a good quality registry cleaner will go a long way towards protecting your system and repairing the computer registry if anything does get through.
Every time you install or attempt to install or uninstall a program on your computer, or visit a web page, your computer registry becomes more cluttered with invalid entries, missing shortcut links and install/uninstall errors left behind by software programs and their updates. As the level of clutter grows, it attracts obsolete and unnecessary information, and gradually becomes fragmented. Your computer’s performance gradually degrades and the processor speed slows significantly with this growing clutter in the Computer Registry. Because this degradation is gradual, you won’t even realize it’s happening unless the registry error windows start popping up. That’s generally a good sign that there is a problem and it’s time to look at repair options. If you have the knowledge, you can attempt to find the error manually or call in a professional. No, I don’t mean a repair shop. It’s time to invest in a high-quality registry cleaner. Fortunately, there are many registry cleaner programs available at your fingertips for immediate download.
Search through the available registry cleaner websites to find one that is suitable for your operating system and use it. Proper installation and use of your registry cleaner is vital to the optimal performance of your computer. In case of problems, registry cleaners can backup and restore the Computer Registry with ease because it is contains a program that allows seamless integration with the windows restore point. The registry cleaner uses the restore point to create snapshots of your Computer Registry before making changes or installing new applications. If anything goes wrong with the installation or repair, you can easily restore your previous system configuration. Your registry cleaner will perform a complete registry scan to identify unnecessary or malicious files and target them for removal. Before final deletion, the registry cleaner will re-scan the identified files to check for usability and verify code keys to ensure system integrity.
The Registry Repair will also check for missing or incomplete entries associated with COM and Active X controls, uninstall utilities, shared DLLs, and application paths. If necessary, the registry cleaner will correct these registry errors for you. It also contains a startup organizer that gives the user control over which programs to run at startup and which ones to stop, conserving valuable CPU space and speed.
In addition to the registry repair tools, your registry cleaner may come with an Internet Explorer BHO (Browser Helper Objects) organizer which allows users to manage browser plug-in. This simple program allows the user to remove unwanted browser ad-ons like smileys and search tools. In light of all of the issues and benefits discussed, I hope you now understand why a registry cleaner is vital to the function of your computer system.
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