IPC J-STD Training
The Solder Training for the electronics industry worldwide has become the IPC J-STD training and certification program whereby processes and methods for printed circuit board and wire assembly standards are taught. This certification program is based and developed on the industry consensus document the Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies. This document describes how printed circuit board assemblies are put together and assembled.
IPC J-STD training program is not intended for those who have never hand soldered rather it’s focus is on making sure that hand soldering practices are understood for not only what they are in terms of skill but why they are done in a specific manner. This means that soldering techs, quality control staff and engineering and even design staff should be exposed to these standards. Process control knowledge is part of this course in order to solidify in the mindset of technicians that whole for example cleaning is an important part of the assembly process; it needs to be verified as well. In the case of cleaning for an example, the cleanliness testing requirements are to be verified through ionic cleanliness.
In the IPC JSTD training program, the certification program is limited to time scope and is bound to the recipient of the certification. The highest level is the master instructor who is employed at the various credentialed training centers. These master instructors have both teaching and industry experience. They must also be able to pass the certified instructor course material and usually instruct “under” an already-certified instructor. These master instructors then teach and certify the certified instructors (called CITs). After being instructed and tested in all of the course material these certified trainers can then instruct applications specialists (CIS) in the course “modules” which can be somewhat customized to the business needs.
In addition to this structure in the IPC JSTD training program the administration of the program, testing is done via an electronic portal. Testing is accomplished at each of the training centers via links and password firewalls through an internet-based training program. In addition to the testing being done electronically, The portal also gives employers visibility on who has been credentialed and who is up to date on the program requirements. The credential is transportable for the employee as the training certificate belongs to the employee.
Why would you want to have a JSTD-001 certification? First of all this program enhances
Employee skills and performance. Secondarily if your company uses and is contractually- obligated to the J-STD-001 standard you can use the IPC JSTD training program to address the standard’s training requirement.
The different aspects of the IPC JSTD training program are listed below:
MODULE 1 – Introduction/Overview of IPC J-STD-001 include EOS/ESD, soldering theory, fluxes, alloys, tools, training requirements and cleaning requirements. This portion of the program also goes into how the IPC JSTD training program is administered.
MODULE 2 – Wires and Terminals cover wire prep, soldering to terminals, terminal inspection and other elements of wire handling.
MODULE 3 – Through-Hole Technology goes through how leads are prepared, how components are mounted and inspection criteria for through-hole devices.
MODULE 4 – Surface Mount Technology teaches students about the inspection criteria for soldering joints on various device types, how to solder and tack into place the SMT device and numerous other points.
MODULE 5 – Inspection Methodology includes the theory of inspection and SPC, a definition of defects and how to disposition them.
Call BEST today to get an IPC JSTD training program schedule and sign up!
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