Do you know that the number of poisoned websites is increasing? According to IDG news, one in every 1000 website pages is infected with some form of malicious programs like spyware and adware. So we should consider all the possible ways to browse internet in a safe and secured way.
Security is a main issue while making banking and other financial transactions. So you should be very cautious while making the internet transactions. If you can follow some simple tips, then you will definitely save time, effort and money and make secured online transactions.
1. Always avoid using public terminals like net cafes and internet browsing centers.
2. Do not use any links, always make sure that you type the web address for yourself.
3. Make sure that the web address starts with https: This is more secured than [http://…].
4. Verify that you see a padlock sign at the right hand bottom corner of the web page.
5. Some people after finishing their transactions, simple type another web address in the browser. Please do avoid that. Instead logout from that particular website and then close the browser itself.
6. Always prefer Mozilla FireFox as it is more secured browser than the I.E.
7. Passwords should not be simple so that anyone could guess them. Make it complex but remember them. Never write the passwords in any file or folder. Ensure that you always change the passwords regularly and protect it.
8. Some people store their account details and passwords list in email. Do not ever disclose your passwords over internet or with anyone (Not even to customer care).
9. Stay away from free downloads and sharing photos and media files.
10. Download Anti Spyware Software and make your PC protected against all the forms spyware and adware.
These are the 10 simple tips that keep your PC spyware free and help you to make secured online transactions.
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